Friday, May 31, 2024

Do You Hate Your Editor?

Editors can be brutal as they point out areas that need to be improved. Or changed. Or deleted.

And catching errors, that you know you should've caught.

The process can be annoying. Even upsetting. 

But I try to accept it in the spirit of Daniel Kahneman.

Daniel Kahneman

Kahneman is the Nobel Prize winning author of Thinking Fast and Slow.

He said, “No one enjoys being wrong, but I do enjoy having been wrong because it means I am now less wrong than I was before.”

Sure, a tough session with a good editor can make you feel defensive, but think of it as is a good opportunity to learn. 

Open up. Listen to the input and appreciate the process.

Good editors make our writing better.

Enjoy being less wrong than you were before.

Monday, May 20, 2024

All the words


Marketing Guru 1 sez: "Use short words."

Marketing Guru 2 sez: "Use long words."

Wrong descriptor, Gurus.

Use the right words.

The words that will let your audience know that you are one of them. Someone they understand and who understands them. Someone they want to engage with. Someone they want to trust.

They're not paying attention to the words, they're paying attention to the message. 

Unless it's poorly written. 

Then they might pay attention to the words ... and they'll probably go away before reading all the words. 

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Sound Advice

lock pick

 Make sure the door is locked before reaching for your lock picks.

That was the opening line for this blog post on researching before you write.

 But I deleted the rest of the post. 

'Cause the opening line made the point all by itself. In fact, on its own it's sound advice for many aspects of your business and personal life.

So, I'll say it again:

Make sure the door is locked before reaching for your lock picks.

Or battering ram.

Monday, May 6, 2024

12 Essentials in Every Successful Copywriter’s Toolbox


12 Essential Copywriting Tools

Copywriting is the art of persuasion, the science of engagement, and the magic of compelling storytelling rolled into one. To succeed as a copywriter, you’ll need to have these 12 essential tools of the copywriting trade at your fingertips at all times.

  1. Listening Skills
    Great copy begins with understanding. Listen intently to both your clients and their customers, so you fully understand their wants, their needs, and their goals. Pay attention to the nuances of their language and the emotions behind their words. This empathetic approach will help you craft messages that resonate deeply with your client's customers and prospects.

  2. Target Audience Knowledge
    Dig deep into market research, customer feedback, input from client team members (e.g., sales and customer service) to gain insights into your audience's demographics, preferences, and behaviors. The more you know about who you're writing for, the better you can tailor the message to meet their needs and desires.

  3. Facility with the Voice of Your Prospect
    Speak the language of your audience. Whether they're formal and professional or casual and conversational, adapt your tone and style to mirror theirs. This builds rapport and fosters a sense of connection with your readers.

  4. Familiarity with the Product/Service Being Offered
    You can't effectively sell something you don't understand. Take the time to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the product or service you're promoting. Understand its features, benefits, and unique selling points.

  5. Identification of the USP (Unique Selling Proposition)
    What sets this product or service apart from the competition? Identify its unique strengths and advantages, and weave these into your copy to create a compelling case for why customers should choose your offering.

  6. Understanding of the Prospect's Objections and How to Successfully Answer Them
    Anticipate potential objections or concerns that your target audience might have and address them head-on in your copy. By proactively providing solutions or reassurances, you build trust and alleviate doubts.

  7. Knowledge of How to Reach the Prospect on an Emotional Level
    Emotions drive decision-making. Craft your copy to evoke specific emotions that resonate with your audience, whether it's joy, fear, curiosity, or nostalgia. Emotional resonance creates a powerful connection and motivates action.

  8. Ability to Communicate with Clarity
    Clear, concise communication is essential in copywriting. Avoid ambiguity and unnecessary jargon and complexity. Your message should be easily understood by your prospect (don’t worry if it’s not totally clear people outside your target market).

  9. Understanding the Value of Social Proof:
    Testimonials, case studies, and reviews provide credibility and validation for your claims. Incorporate social proof into your copy to reassure current and potential customers and build confidence in your product or service.

  10. Structured Storytelling Skill
    Stories have a unique ability to captivate and persuade. Learn to structure your copy like a compelling narrative, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Engage your audience (who is always the hero of the marketing story) with relatable characters, conflict, and resolution.

  11. Editing Skills: Good writing is rewriting. Take the time to revise and refine your copy, eliminating unnecessary words, tightening sentences, and polishing your prose. Every word should serve a purpose and contribute to the overall impact of your message.

  12. Mastery of  Headline Writing: Your headline is the first impression you make on your audience and determines whether a prospect will continue to read or move on. Make it count. Headlines must grab attention, pique curiosity, and promise value. Experiment with different techniques, such as using numbers, posing questions, or making bold statements.

Becoming a successful copywriter requires dedication, skill, and a deep understanding of both your audience and your product. By having these 12 essential tools of the trade ready to deploy at all times and by continually honing your craft, you'll be well-equipped to create copy that inspires action, drives engagement, and achieves results.


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