Thursday, April 21, 2022

Aaron Sorkin on Writers' Block

 In 2016, TV and film screenwriter, playwright, and director Aaron Sorkin was interviewed by Stephen Galloway for The Hollywood Reporter.

Aaron Sorkin on Writer's Block

GALLOWAY: You’ve said that writer’s block is your default position. How do you get over that? 

SORKIN: I take six or eight showers a day.

GALLOWAY: That’s a lot.  

SORKIN: Yeah, and I’m not a germophobe. It has nothing to do with that. I have a shower at home, I have a shower at the office. It’s a do over. It’s a reset. If it’s not going well, if I can’t think of anything, I get in the shower, I take a shower, I put on different clothes, and try again.  On a really bad day, I’ll be incredibly clean.

In 2021, he was interviewed by Sonya Alexander for Script.

ALEXANDER: What do you do to overcome writer's block?

SORKIN: Writer’s block is my default position! Peppered by ‘I have a thing now.’ I allow myself to be miserable for a bit. I like driving around, listening to music I listened to in high school. I talk out loud to myself. Start arguments with myself. When I was doing The West Wing, I received a delivery from Scott Sassa. It was a headset. He told me he was next to me at a light one time and I looked like a madman talking to myself.

ALEXANDER: Did you use the headset?

SORKIN: Yes, I did…!

In 2022, he told Focus on Film:

So which one is it, Aaron?

I suspect he uses these three and a few more depending on his state of mind at the time.

If I ever meet him, I'll ask him. 

But it really doesn't matter.

Cause he deals with it and the result is great writing.


Aaron Sorkin is known for his sharp wit used in writing fast-paced dialogue and rousing monologues. His work includes A Few Good Men, the West Wing, The Social Network, Steve Jobs, Moneyball, and The Newsroom.



The Hollywood Reporter:


Focus on Film:

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