Friday, February 25, 2022

Can you give me a job writing copy?

Often writers in the early stages of their careers ask me if I have any work I can't get to that they could write for me. Sometimes they offer to work for free for the experience.

Copywriter: Will Work for Free

Typically, I don't have extra work for them. 
And I would never expect anyone to work for free.

Not the response they're hoping for. 

However, I do have advice. 

Such as this 6-step challenge:
  1. Target a few businesses.

    NOTE: If possible, start with a friend or family member who needs customers (dentist, personal trainer, massage therapist, chiropractor, hairstylist, etc.).

  2. Learn about them by digging through their websites, getting on their mailing lists, reading their social media posts, etc. 

  3. When you feel you understand their target audience and their voice, identify a piece or two of their current copy you feel you could write better. Rewrite it. Then edit and polish it until you are proud to put your name on it.

  4. Send it to them with a well-crafted cover explaining that you are willing to give them the copy at no charge to either update their website or use in an A/B test with the hopes that if they like it, they will hire you to write more.

    NOTE: Even better if you can make an appointment and present it in person.

  5. Follow up.

  6. Return to Step 1 and repeat.

This exercise has 3 primary benefits to a copywriter who is new to the craft:
  • It's a framework for practice. Practice in researching/understanding businesses and their customers. Practice writing copy. Practice selling. Practice working with established businesses.

  • It's a portfolio builder. There's nothing wrong with spec copy in a portfolio.

  • It can generate paying clients.

If you're in the early stages of your marketing writing career, keep asking folks like me for work. 

You don't ask, you don't get. 

But if you're not picking up work through this channel, consider this 6-step approach.

Then, when you get to the point you have more work than you can handle, sub it out to me.


Improve your skills, check out:

16 Free Copywriting Courses

17 Books Writers Must Read

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