Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Free Copywriting Training

23 Free Copywriting Courses

"What course should I take to learn copywriting?"

When I'm asked that question by someone starting out, I suggest that they do a lot of reading* and a lot of writing.
I also suggest that before they invest in training, they access free resources to help advance their basic knowledge and skills. 

That being said, there are many writing courses that are well worth the investment, typically offering greater depth of training and hands on advice than what's available for free. And if someone is more comfortable with that as a starting place, they will get the tools they need to be successful. Some folks, however, may get more out of a paid course if they have some basic knowledge (and practice) from the no cost training.

Here are 22 free online copywriting courses/articles/exercises to consider:

NOTE: Many of these offerings are "light versions" offered for free to encourage you to buy additional training.


YouTube is loaded with “How To” videos on myriad subjects, including copywriting. Here are 22 Free multi-video copywriting courses on YouTube (for those offered through Class Central, you can set up a Class Central account or just click the > to play the video):


Gary Halbert's Boron Letters  A series of letters written by copywriting legend Gary C. Halbert that are considered by many to be one of the best sources of copywriting knowledge for aspiring copywriters.   https://morgancrozier.com/boron-letters/

And speaking of Gary Halbert, here's his suggestion on how to become a copywriter in 30 days if you have at least a modicum of talent, and much more importantly, the ability to follow directions and an appetited for very hard work https://thegaryhalbertletter.com/newsletters/zfkj_hands_on_experience.htm



Gary Bencivenga's Marketing Bullets  A collection of essays written by the person who is often described as "the greatest living copywriter". This archive is billed as Gary's "best secrets tor boosting your response and conversion rates ...and beating any control." https://marketingbullets.com/archive/



What you get out of any training, free or paid for,
is based on 
the commitment (time, attention, practice, etc.) 
you put into that training.

Education without action is entertainment.

You can take all the courses and read all the books,
but if you don't put that information into practice,
you're not going to get where you want to go.


 With the exception of The 40 Essential Skills and Traits of Top CopywritersI am not affiliated with or compensated by any of these courses/books/guides/articles/exercises, their authors, websites, or corporate entities. They are not listed in any particular order.

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