Sunday, March 28, 2021

It Can Be Art

I was watching a video on a glassblowing competition.

One competitor looked at another competitor’s submission and said, “I made a sculpture, he made art.”

I feel that way sometimes when I read copy written by other writers. “What I wrote today is good, they made art.

When you read outstanding copy, what is it that makes it so much better than other copy?

For me, the first thing I notice is rhythm and flow … how I comfortably, almost effortlessly, move from point A to point B, enjoying the ride and interested to see where I’m being taken.

With outstanding copy, I find myself getting involved in the actual message, not the delivery. It makes me forget to look at it from my copywriter mindset where I analyze each component, think about why the writer decided to include it, and agree or disagree.

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