Saturday, August 8, 2020

Get Over Yourself

Get over yourself. David Bowie can help.

This past week was a good one. Crap ton of work delivered to thrilled clients.

I was ready to start believing my own press releases.

Sometimes I get overly impressed with myself.

To catch myself before I become a total ass, I think about David Bowie.

Here, in Bowie’s words, is a good story to absorb when you start thinking your shit doesn’t stink.

“[I] had quite the attitude as a young pop star, it’s easy to get caught up in the hype.

It changes you.

So I was on the set [of] ‘Ashes to Ashes’… I’m dressed from head to toe in a clown suit…I hear playback and the music starts. So off I go, I start singing and walking, but as soon as I do this old geezer with an old dog walks right between me and the camera…knowing this is gonna take a while I walked past the old guy and sat next to camera in my full costume waiting for him to pass.

As he is walking by camera, the director said, ‘Excuse me, [sir] do you know who this is?’

The old guy looks at me from bottom to top and looks back to the director and said, ‘Of course I do! It’s some cunt in a clown suit.’

That was a huge moment for me, it put me back in my place and made me realize, yes, I’m just a cunt in a clown suit. I think about that old guy all the time.”

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