Friday, February 16, 2024

Ask for feedback BEFORE they see it


"I don't know; it just doesn't 'speak' to me."

"I'm not sure it says what we need it to say."

"Can you make it more 'today'?"

Non specific feedback is not helpful and tends to create a disconnect between the client, the writer, and the deliverable.

Consider providing a bit of feedback guidance when you submit your first draft by saying something like this in your email:

Anything can be changed, added or taken out, but please consider the following questions as you review the copy:

👉Are all the facts and stats correct?

👉Is there anything missing and, if so, what is it?

👉Are there any particular parts you really don't like?

👉Are all the features and benefits clearly explained? If not, please let me know what I've missed

👉Is the style and tone right for your prospects?

When you do this, you have a better chance of receiving useful feedback.

The Golden Rule

Never be afraid to ask for more detail,
otherwise you’re scrabbling around in the dark.

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