Friday, December 23, 2022

'til Monday

Leaving the office on Friday

How many times, when passing through the exit door on a Friday, have you raised an arm in a brief salute and said, "Have a great weekend, everybody."?

More than once, I'd venture.

Andrew Joliffe, offers his meaning behind that moment as only he, a world-class copywriter, could:

A decent weekend to everyone. 

I mean everyone. 

Sisters, dads, friends, colleagues, lovers, exes and old foes. Everyone I know, wish I knew and still never will. Everyone who believes,  considers and, above all, listens. Thanks. 

The dazzlers, the dainty, the dippy and downright dandy. The hopers, survivors and scrapers-by. The triers, the never-stop-tryers and the try-once-mores. The ice-cream makers, the glassblowers and the carpet-cleaners. 

The girl at the checkout, the guy up the pylon, the kid up to no bloody good, the couple in the queue. Those who love, or just so want to. The fighters and the fought. The sweltering, the freezing, the lost and the windswept. 

The captain and the sailor and the rest of the crew. The folks holding, this very second, a hope, a wood-plane, a scalpel, a magic marker, a mouse, a bed-pan, an icing gun, a riot shield or just a hand.

The people who write briefs, and those who have a go. 

Everyone who’s ever done me proud, or even done me over. Even those Belgian rogues who still owe me that 8.5K. Yes, you. 

The absolute best to you all.


Andrew Joliffe
Andrew Joliffe

"I’m a freelance anglophone copywriter based in Italy. With me come 28 years of experience in the form of ads, strategies, thought starters, content, posts, brand platforms, manifestos and copy.

"Some of those have won prizes in Cannes, Paris and New York, but more importantly I still adore writing them. More than ever. Talent might get you work, but only love makes it shine."

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