Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Worst Halloween Treat

It shows up every fall.

Candy corn.

My wife loves the foul stuff.

Me? Not so much.

But I could write a helluva good ad for it.

or promo. or email. or social media post. or video script. or web page.

Why they like it and why they should buy it.

I'm a copywriter, and that's what copywriters do.

We don’t necessarily have to like a product or a service, we just have to tap into the target audience and understand why they want or need it.

What problem does it solve? What joy does it bring?

That being said, this week I turned down a nice piece of business because I was not morally comfortable with the product. I think I could've written a helluva good ad for it.

or promo. or email. or social media post. or video script. or web page

But I won’t.

Wish the offer had come from a manufacturer of candy corn.


  1. The hardest thing I ever did was turned down a $500 dollar a week, 52 week, ad campaign. I just couldn't bring myself to work with a crook. He ran a nightclub, and I could have written tremendous copy for the business. However, I learned that cocaine was being sold out the back door. Although I would have enjoyed the commission, I just could do it. That's when I discovered that I got to choose my clients and products. I didn't have to work with crooks.

  2. I applaud you choice. I just was discussing this same issue with a new writer the other day. He had accepted a job to write web content. He wanted to know what to charge. Turned out he had not looked at the site, the business ... no research... nada. He was simply worried about $$.


Advertising, Branding, & Fame

As marketers, we tend to get wrapped up in the idea that consumers are deeply connected to brand values and meanings. We like to imagine we ...